DEF Equipment Solutions:
- Certified pumps, hoses, nozzles
- Mini-bulk systems
- Bulk delivery trucks
- Box delivery trucks
- Transport trucks
- Tank wagons
RelaDyne works with a few trusted partners for DEF equipment. TECALEMIT, our most frequently used partner, has a wide portfolio of products to suit DEF needs. TECALEMIT provides robust solutions for DEF transfer, whether hauling DEF itself or the equipment needed to maintain DEF operations.

Among many, some of TECALEMIT trusted line of products include:
- Hornet W85 H Inox DEF Transfer Pump – This pump works by using both a vane and centrifugal combination system.
- DEF PRO All-in-One Smart Packages – The Smart Packages are a Hornet W85 hybrid pump with various capacities to suit your needs.
- Truck Belly Boxes Bulk Transfer – Allows efficient storage underneath truck frame for necessary DEF equipment.
RelaDyne provides a complete line of DEF equipment, from drum pumps to complete bulk systems with island dispensers that can be easily integrated with your POS systems.
One of the first questions our customers typically ask is, “How much DEF do I need to inventory, and what equipment should I dispense with?” The table below shows our recommended onsite DEF storage based on the number of SCR equipped trucks you will be running from a location.
Once you determine which kind of DEF storage you need, consider how your needs will change over time as your SCR fleet grows. RelaDyne provides a completely managed solution from your first jug or drum of DEF to a full bulk handling system. We will plan with you as your fleet turns over and new SCR trucks are introduced to each location. This approach to equipment makes sure that each of your locations has the optimum DEF equipment required to lower product costs, ensure driver productivity, and eliminate the obsolescence of drum and tote pumps as you migrate to a bulk system.
Recommended Storage Matrix

Mini-Bulk and Bulk Systems

Bulk and Tank Wagon Deliveries

Closed-loop Equipment Solutions