Oil System Hydroblasting
Contamination Removal Using Vibration and High Velocity
Maintaining a clean, contaminant-free turbine-generator lube oil system is the key to achieving plant efficiency and avoiding forced outages. Oil System Hydroblasting has been proven to effectively break away and displace tightly-adhering contaminants such as rust, sludge, scale, sand, corrosion, and coal dust.
Advantages of Hydroblasting Process
Hydroblasting uses high velocities and vibration to successfully remove a variety of contaminants from the interior walls of piping. The results of this process are largely considered more effective than traditional lube oil flushes because hydroblasting is:
- The only procedure that cleans the entire diameter of the drain line and/or feed lines
- Faster at achieving an acceptably clean system
- Cost efficient – gets your plant back online quicker
- Proven effective on both vintage and new equipment
For improved results, TFC gladly custom-builds equipment to reach hard-to-reach areas in instances where doing so is beneficial.
The Importance of Hydroblasting New Equipment
Hydroblasting isn’t just reserved for routine or forced outages. While equipment manufacturers and erection contractors take steps to eliminate contaminants in new plant equipment, their processes and precautions cannot match the success of TFC’s Hydroblasting technique. For more than two decades, we have been called in to pre-clean countless turbine systems. Not only do we find and remove an unhealthy amount of contaminant particles (weld spatter, corrosion, etc.), we have also removed such debris as rags, bolts, nuts, screwdrivers, welding hammers and crescent wrenches.