Industry 4.0 is a term used to describe the new wave of automation and machine learning in manufacturing. Though many are quick to write about it and the long list of benefits, is this buzzword gaining traction in the manufacturing plants it references? The short answer: yes, albeit very slowly. Though the buzzword and technologies behind it have been hesitantly received since its introduction in 2011, manufacturing is now starting to see a trend towards investing in the interconnectivity, automation, machine learning, and real-time data that Industry 4.0 promotes.
Still though, according to a survey conducted by Sikich for their 2018 Manufacturing Report, 30 percent [of respondents] said they do not clearly understand IoT (Internet of Things) enough to determine what the costs or benefits might be to their organizations.
It can be daunting to consider investments into automation and machine learning when operations are busy and there is little opportune downtime to install and train on such technologies. Additionally, concerns arise when considering the protection of information and intellectual property. Generally, this can be accomplished in a variety of ways, so don’t let that stop you from inquiring about various technologies that may offer your operations and overall business a huge ROI.
Though there are limitations in getting started with these technologies, the benefits are endless including the ability to create profit-generating efficiencies in your processes.
One way RelaDyne can inch you into the world of Industry 4.0 with no downtime or time investment through a technology called wireless tank monitoring. Provided by SkyBitz, this technology allows you to dominate your fluid inventory, with views of inventory levels, consumption trends, confirmation of deliveries and low level and critical level alerts and alarms that ensure you will always be aware of your inventory.
With very quick and non-interruptive installation, wireless tank monitoring is a step on the moon for your industrial operations to start benefiting from the efficiencies created by Industry 4.0 technologies. Interested in learning more? Contact us today by clicking here.