
Cleaning & Sanitation

Cleaning & Sanitation

Cleaning & Sanitation

Oil Eater®

Oil Eater® Cleaners & Degreasers are designed to replace dangerous solvents for use by industries throughout the world

To help prevent the spread of Corona Virus (COVID-19) the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recommends that frequently touched surfaces be cleaned daily. Oil Eater® cleaners and degreasers are the perfect pre-sanitation treatment to ensure your spaces are cleaned properly, while still remaining SAFE for both your facility and the environment.

To learn more about RelaDyne’s Oil Eater® product offering, click here.

See below Recommended Process for combating the spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19) using Oil Eater® Cleaner & Degreaser in addition to disinfectants

Step 1: Clean

Clean surfaces before disinfecting. All Oil Eater® cleaning products can be used for this daily task. If using one of our concentrated cleaners, be sure to follow any dilution directions.

Step 2: Apply

Once the surface is clean apply an approved disinfectant to the area being sure to follow the brands recommended usage directions. Note that many disinfectants require ten minutes of contact with the surface to be effective.

cleaning and sanitation

Step 3: Disinfect

Lastly, wash your hands after each cleaning session using soap and water for at least 20 seconds.

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