
RelaDyne to Exhibit at Reliable Plant 2014


RelaDyne to Exhibit at Reliable Plant 2014

RelaDyne to Exhibit at Reliable Plant 2014

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Houston, Texas, April 18, 2014 – RelaDyne, the nation’s leading provider of lubricants, fuel, diesel exhaust fluid (DEF), and industrial reliability services, will be exhibiting at Reliable Plant 2014 ( ), the annual conference and exhibition for machinery lubrication, oil analysis and reliability professionals, held this year in San Antonio, Texas, April 22-24.

RelaDyne will be promoting its lubrication and reliability services division known as Field Reliability Management (FRM). “FRM is the services side of our business that encompasses all aspects of helping our customers operate more reliably with less down time on their most critical rotating equipment,” says Jay Hurt, Executive Vice President of FRM. “It’s about partnering with our customers to address lubrication-related equipment failures and develop hands-on solutions to prevent their reoccurrence.”

Some of the many services RelaDyne FRM provides include high velocity flushing, varnish mitigation, oil purification, chemical cleaning, and fueling services. “We are looking forward to sharing our services with Reliable Plant attendees,” says Riley Mieth, RelaDyne FRM Reliability Sales Specialist and RelaDyne attendee at the exhibition in San Antonio. “It’s a great place for us to reach people who are interested in improving their equipment reliability.”

The 15th annual Reliable Plant Conference and Exhibition features nearly 80 learning sessions and case studies from industry leaders around the globe, focusing on machinery lubrication, oil analysis and reliability, which fits right in to RelaDyne’s FRM services niche.

To find out more about Reliable Plant 2014, visit

Join RelaDyne in San Antonio on April 22-24 by downloading your free exhibit hall pass here.

Look for RelaDyne FRM at Booth 524.